Unusual Jobs: Exploring 10 Vanished Professions from History

10. Herb Strewer: Fragrance in Royalty’s Apartments

In the 1600s, the curious profession of herb strewer emerged, primarily within royal circles. These individuals were responsible for scattering herbs and flowers throughout the apartments of royalty. Their purpose was to mask the often unpleasant odors that pervaded living spaces before the advent of modern sanitation and sewage systems. Bridget Rumney, who held the position from 1660 to 1671, earned a yearly salary of £24 for her work. Her strewing repertoire included aromatic herbs such as basil, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, and fennel. While herb strewers are no longer a part of contemporary households, many of these herbs continue to be grown at home for their healing and aromatic properties.

In a world where automation and technology continuously reshape the workforce, these once-thriving professions have become intriguing relics of history. While the jobs themselves may no longer exist, their stories and legacies live on, reminding us of the ever-changing nature of work and the resilience of the human spirit in adapting to new challenges and opportunities.