Zila Amirshahi: A Tale of Motherhood and Empowerment with Parmis, Pegah, and Pardis Tabassinejad

Zila Amirshahi: A Mother’s Journey of Empowerment

Zila Amirshahi, widely known for her successful career as a radio host, radiates strength and determination not only in her professional life but also as a devoted mother to her three daughters, Parmis, Pegah, and Pardis Tabassinejad. Together, they share a unique bond filled with love, support, and a shared commitment to empowerment.

Zila Amirshahi: A Beacon of Empowerment for Her Daughters

Zila Amirshahi’s journey as a mother to her daughters Parmis, Pegah, and Pardis Tabassinejad is one of profound love, resilience, and empowerment. Beyond her illustrious career as a radio host, Zila has dedicated herself to nurturing her daughters’ individuality and inspiring them to embrace their unique strengths.

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June 23, 2023 | 10:47 pm