Yevgeny Prigozhin and His Alleged Attack on Putin: A Comprehensive Overview

Prigozhin’s Business Empire:

Yevgeny Prigozhin’s business empire spans a wide range of industries, making him a formidable figure in the Russian business landscape. His ventures include not only the catering industry, for which Yevgeny Prigozhin gained early recognition, but also media, mining, and energy sectors. Prigozhin’s catering companies initially gained prominence by securing contracts with government institutions, schools, and the military. This close relationship with the Russian government contributed to his growing influence and reputation.

Prigozhin’s business interests expanded further with the establishment of the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a St. Petersburg-based company engaged in online influence operations. The IRA gained international attention for its alleged involvement in spreading disinformation and engaging in propaganda campaigns, particularly during the 2016 United States presidential election and the 2018 U.S. midterm elections. It was reported that Yevgeny Prigozhin financed the operations of the IRA, further solidifying his reputation as a powerful and influential figure.

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June 24, 2023 | 2:29 pm