Understanding Gender Differences in Relationships: 7 Powerful Ways to Improve Emotional Connection

Women’s Dissatisfaction with Intimacy

In some relationships, women often feel dissatisfied with the level of intimacy and approach their partners with ideas for getting closer, like “We should spend more time together” or “I wish you would open up and tell me more about what’s going on with you.

” The problem is that men are taught to feel responsible for women, so whenever a woman expresses any kind of unhappiness, men often hear it as criticism of their adequacy as a man. Not surprisingly, men often respond by withdrawing to protect themselves. Women often interpret men’s withdrawal as evidence of their lack of interest in being close, so they get more emotional and pursue their partner more, leading to an escalating pattern that leaves each feeling frustrated and alone.

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June 20, 2024 | 6:27 pm