Polygamous Wedding Extravaganza: Ugandan Groom Marries Seven Wives

Habib Nsikonnene: A Traditional Healer and Visionary

Habib Nsikonnene, aged 43, is not just an ordinary groom; he is a traditional healer renowned for his skills and expertise in the mystic arts. His reputation precedes him, and it was not surprising that his wedding became a grand affair.

Habib’s motivation for marrying seven wives is deeply rooted in his desire to build a large family. He believes that having a multitude of children will create a strong and prosperous family legacy. He expressed this ambition when he said, “In my family, we are very few, so I want to produce many children so that we build a big family.” His vision for the future extends beyond his seven wives, as he openly stated that he intends to marry even more women to achieve his goal of having 100 children.

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September 22, 2023 | 2:05 pm