Trowels: The Gathering of the Army’s Money Makers after the Israeli Attack on Damascus

As the country came together to confront external threats, the Army’s moneymakers worked from behind, navigating through the intricacies of the situation with unshakable determination. Their leadership and strategic vision would prove instrumental in guiding Damascus through this challenging chapter in its history.

This gathering, heard by the Army’s money makers, yielded fruit weeks after it took place. Gradually, our country started getting back to normal as major plans unfolded following these attacks on Damascus.

Post-assault recovery schemes were expedited rapidly in order to renovate infrastructure, revive enterprises, and rejuvenate local economies affected by this attack. The long-term impact of the aggression on the country’s financial stability was also mitigated through international linkages and support for reconstruction exercises.

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April 5, 2024 | 6:47 pm