TIRGAN Festival 2023: Celebrating Iranian Art, Culture, and Community in Toronto


The highly anticipated TIRGAN Festival is back in 2023, ready to captivate audiences in Toronto with an extraordinary celebration of Iranian art, culture, and community. From July 20th to 23rd, the city’s picturesque locations, including the Harbourfront Centre, Koerner Hall, and Innis Town Hall, will come alive with the spirit of TIRGAN. Join us as we delve into the vibrant world of the TIRGAN Festival 2023, highlighting its diverse programs, exciting lineup of artists, the incredible talent of Mary Apick and Parviz Sayyad, and the legendary Soleiman Vathaghi, also known as “Soli.”

A Reunion to Remember

The TIRGAN Festival 2023 creates the perfect setting for Soli Vaseghi and Parviz Sayyad to reunite. Their shared history as trailblazers in the Iranian arts brings an air of nostalgia and excitement to the event. As esteemed artists who have each made significant contributions to their respective fields, their meet-up becomes a highly anticipated moment for festival-goers.

The reunion serves as a testament to the enduring power of Iranian art and culture. It highlights the importance of preserving and celebrating the legacy of influential artists like Soli and Sayyad, whose works continue to inspire generations of performers and art enthusiasts.

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July 23, 2023 | 6:38 pm