The U.S. Based VOA TV journalist “Arash Sigarchi” in the picture
Let’s say your local department of transportation announces plans to overhaul several major thoroughfares in need of repair. Don’t just present the institutional information the DOT provided you with. Transform the information into something of consequence for the viewers at home. From databases to interactive graphics, video to slide shows, journalists today work in a range of media. There are way too many tools available for one person to become an expert at everything. You’ll at least need a working knowledge of the capabilities and if you have only one strength, work to develop another skill. Additionally, it can be important to surround yourself with likeminded journalism students and individuals who can share their own knowledge and skills in the field. Since there are many areas of expertise, joining a group or society can introduce you to journalism professionals who are experts in their own areas, who can also be willing to share.