The Singer “Saeed Mohammadi” next to her love, Neda, in the U.S.

Saeed Mohammadi immigrated to the United States of America in 1372. The insistence and encouragement of friends led to the preparation and production of Saeed’s first independent album, “Magic Light”. Two years later, with the collaboration and creative production of David Betsamo, he started producing the album “Aftab Mehtab”. The success of this album, with songs such as Gol Bagh, Atish Pare, and Lolo Chah Chah, which were mostly rhythmic and club, introduced Saeed as a singer, composer, and songwriter. He became known by creating two songs, “Juni Junum” and “Iran” for Leila Forohar, and “Skoot Saketeh” with Mansour’s voice, and then by most of the Iranian singers of Los Angeles. In 2005, he released the album “Winning” and the song “Diyar”.