The President-Elect’s Reversible Jacket: A Smart and Sustainable Choice

A user on X social network has claimed that the president-elect did not buy a new jacket but cleverly utilized the reversible feature of his jacket, sparking widespread discussions online.

According to Saed News, the president-elect’s attire has been a significant topic in both social circles and online platforms for some time. The conversation intensified after actress Reza Kianian publicly suggested that the president-elect should wear formal suits during public appearances. Recently, photos of Masoud Pezeshkian, the president-elect, wearing what appeared to be a new jacket went viral. However, a Twitter user later posted pictures alleging that Pezeshkian’s jacket is not new but reversible, and he merely wore the other side to give the impression of a new jacket.

Who is Masoud Pezeshkian?

Masoud Pezeshkian, born on September 29, 1954, is an Iranian cardiac surgeon and reformist politician who will soon become the President of Iran. He won the 2024 presidential election with 54.76% of the vote and will be inaugurated on July 30, 2024. At 69, he will be the oldest person to assume the presidency in Iran.

Pezeshkian has had a distinguished career in both medicine and politics. He served as the Minister of Health and Medical Education from 2001 to 2005 under President Mohammad Khatami’s administration. He also held the position of First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Iran from 2016 to 2020, representing the Tabriz, Osku, and Azarshahr electoral district.

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July 26, 2024 | 10:06 pm