The CEO of Tapesh TV, Alireza Amirghassemi’s son, is spending quality time in the U.S.

Alireza Amirqasmi (born on 28 Shahrivar 1344) is a producer and host of the Tapash TV channel and a producer of concerts by singers in Los Angeles. He launched the Tapash TV channel in October 1989 with Masoud Jamali. Alireza Amirqasmi was born on September 28, 1344. At the age of 13, he left and immigrated to England, spent a short time there, then went to America from there, spent his high school and university years in the United States of America, and studied film and cinema. At the age of 19, he started his career by producing an album called Neighbors, sung by Siavash Shams, which became one of the most successful albums of that year. He is the founder of the Tapesh and T2 television channels. Recently, rumors were created regarding his support of Parviz Perstavi and addressing protestors to Mujahideen. This margin made all the domestic networks cover it as well. including Sedada Sima, news sites, and official newspapers.