The Actress “Elika Naseri” behind the scenes of role as Abra in Yaghi Series

In her second professional work, Elika Naseri starred in the Yaghi series directed by Mohammad Kart and played the role of Abra. This series, which is being broadcast on the home show network, has become very popular with the brilliant performances of Elika Naseri and Ali Shadman. Elika Naseri co-stars in this series with Parsa Pirouzfar, Ali Shadman, Tanaz Tabatabai, Amir Jafari, Niki Karimi, Farhad Aslani, Mehdi Hosseininia, Aban Askari, Meh Laqa Bagheri, Abbas Jamshidifar, Javad Khajawi, and…