The 5 types of tiredness and how to combat them

A STRESSFUL job or relationship, money worries and caring for family without support can lead to burnout, especially if you can’t see a way out. Build-up of stress hormone cortisol can affect sleep, as can a stressed brain. Clinical psychologist Dr Steve Ilardi, author of The Depression Cure, says: “There is a steady disappearance of the deep restful form of slumber, slow-wave sleep, which the brain needs to keep brain chemicals and hormones in balance. After just a few nights of slow-wave sleep deprivation, people report intense, aching fatigue.” HOW TO SPOT IT: You will feel numb, negative, cynical — and as if you are just going through the motions. HOW TO FIGHT BACK: Look at ways to relieve pressure in your life. Rebalance your to-do list, says time management guru Eve Rodsky. Have a partner or co-parent? Eve recommends listing the things you each need to do to keep your home going, including micro-tasks such as buying gifts and emptying the bin. Compare lists, share jobs more evenly and use small pockets of time for self-care, not more tasks. Try a 15-minute exercise video or phone a friend to let off steam. View looking after yourself as investment in being more energetic, not a treat. WE eat for energy, so it can be a shock to realise what we are scoffing could be what leaves us shattered. A US study from Columbia University, published in the Journal of Occupational Health, found people who consume more high-sugar and carbo-hydrate items, such as noodles, fizzy drinks and sweets, get less restful, slow-wave sleep.

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March 4, 2023 | 7:17 pm