Exclusive Interview with Siamak Namazi on His 8-Year Ordeal in Iran – With Christiane Amanpour in New York

Namazi’s interview with Christiane Amanpour was a powerful moment of reflection on the injustice he and others have faced. He discussed the psychological toll of being in solitary confinement for over eight months, as well as the humiliation and abuse he experienced at the hands of his captors in Iran’s Evin Prison.

Namazi also expressed his frustration over the broader issue of hostage diplomacy, where individuals like him become pawns in political negotiations. He called on the international community to do more to prevent such detentions and to hold governments accountable for using hostages as leverage in diplomatic talks. His heartfelt plea was a reminder that, although he is free, the scars of his time in captivity remain deep.

Additionally, Namazi emphasized the lack of support he received after returning to the U.S., pointing out how former hostages are often left to navigate the emotional and practical challenges of reintegration alone. He argued that both governments and humanitarian organizations need to offer better assistance to those wrongfully detained once they are released.

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September 27, 2024 | 11:40 am