7 Shocking Late Night Series Scenes: Parsa Pirouzfar and Sahar Goldust Scandal

Parsa Pirouzfar’s Early Life and Career

Parsa Pirouzfar’s journey began in Tehran, where he developed a passion for the arts from a young age. While in high school, he created comic strips, a talent that hinted at his future in creative storytelling. His formal education started with a major in Math and Physics, but he soon shifted to painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, in 1991. Simultaneously, he began acting in university plays, which set the stage for his versatile career.

Parsa’s first film role came at 22 in Dariush Mehrjui’s “Pari,” and he studied acting methods under Mahin Oskouei and Hamid Samandarian, renowned figures in Iranian theatre. His stage debut was in “Les Misérables,” playing Marius Pontmercy, a role that showcased his talent and dedication to the craft.

Notable Works and Achievements

In 2015, Parsa directed and performed in “Matryoshka,” a solo play based on Anton Chekhov’s short stories. This play, which featured Parsa portraying over 30 characters, premiered in Los Angeles and toured extensively in North America before concluding in Tehran in 2017. “Matryoshka” was a pivotal work in Parsa’s career, earning him the Golden Statue Award for Best Actor at the 35th Fajr International Theatre Festival in Tehran.

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June 15, 2024 | 11:22 pm