11 Powerful Dimensions of Sarah Idan’s Impact: From Miss Iraq to Congressional Candidate

Idan’s association with Israel has not been without consequences. Following a controversial selfie with Miss Israel in 2017, her family became refugees again, forced to leave Iraq. She lost her Iraqi citizenship in 2019 after addressing the UN Human Rights Council, where she criticized the antisemitic beliefs taught in Muslim countries and condemned biased media.

This week, Idan visited Kibbutz Kfar Aza, witnessing the destruction caused by Hamas, including an attack on the Idan family. She questioned the lack of popular uprising against Hamas in Gaza and expressed hope that Gazans would reject violence.

Through her journey from Miss Iraq to a congressional candidate and advocate for Israel, Sarah Idan continues to navigate the complexities of Middle Eastern geopolitics, challenging preconceived notions and standing up for what she believes is right.

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January 1, 2024 | 6:53 pm