Sahar Golestani and Massari Wedding: An Enchanting Celebration with ‘Jamalo’ Serenade

Sahar’s Emotional Response

For Sahar, Massari’s musical gift was nothing short of magical. “Every time Massari shows me a song he made, I get goosebumps,” she expressed. “When he told me this one was written for me, I couldn’t help but cry. It was a very emotional moment. Massari has the ability to make me fall in love with him every day.”

A Lebanese-Inspired Beauty Look

In every aspect, the celebration honored Massari’s Lebanese roots. Sahar’s beauty look, curated by celebrity makeup artist Ash K Holm, was a testament to this commitment. Sahar expressed, “It’s an honor to have my best friend do my makeup for my big day,” highlighting the deeper connection that transcended professional collaboration.

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December 10, 2023 | 7:05 pm