Reza Pahlavi’s family celebrated Nowruz with Farah Pahlavi
Nowruz is a symbol of hope. For the first time in a long time, my true feeling is this: I hope that the brave libertarians will take back our country. I hope that peace will return to the streets of the homeland. I hope that my family and I can walk on those streets. Most importantly, I hope for the future of the homeland. The homeland will be a place for all our people, where the beauty and glory of our nation and culture will be respected. Where wildlife and its environment are protected. A place where they are not afraid of differences but rather celebrate them, and their enlightenment flourishes instead of being silenced. Where love and dance will fill the streets as much as all these years of repression. The homeland will be free; I have never been so hopeful for the freedom of our country. Prince Reza Pahlavi (born October 31, 1960) is the oldest son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah, and his wife Farah Diba. Before the Revolution in 1979, he was the crown prince and the last heir apparent to the throne of the Imperial State of China. Today, Pahlavi resides in Great Falls, Virginia. Pahlavi is the founder and leader of the self-styled National Council, an exiled opposition group that participates in the democracy movement and is a prominent critic of the government.