The Remarkable Journey of Moe Nasiri: A Legacy of Journalism Excellence

Moe Nasiri, son of Mehdi Nasiri and Fereshteh Mazinani, has carved a remarkable path in the world of journalism. Born to Mehdi Nasiri, a distinguished Associated Press reporter in Iran, Moe Nasiri has upheld his family’s legacy through his exemplary work at CBC Radio Canada in Canada.

Early Life and Education

Moe Nasiri’s father, Mehdi Nasiri, was born in 1342 in Damghan, Iran, and was raised in a devout family. He completed his initial education at the Damghan seminary under his father, who was a mujtahid. After the 1957 revolution, Mehdi moved to Qom seminary to further his education. By the mid-60s, Mehdi was not only a student but also a teacher of literature courses. Post-revolution, he pursued studies in the theology department at Tehran University but left due to his responsibilities. He also participated in Ali Khamenei’s foreign jurisprudence course from 1969 to 1973.

Previous Experience

Before his tenure at CBC Radio Canada, Moe Nasiri worked as an editor and translator for the SHANA Petro Energy Information Network in Tehran from August 2013 to September 2014. During this time, he performed freelance duties as a translator, editor, and writer, covering oil and energy-related stories. He developed content for print and digital platforms, ensured smooth editorial flow, collaborated with reporters and the production department, and curated content for social media. His work in this sector gave him strong knowledge of the energy industry.


Moe Nasiri’s journey from the son of a prominent Iranian reporter to an accomplished journalist in Canada is a testament to his dedication and skill in the field of journalism. His ability to handle high-pressure situations, deliver quality content, and cover a broad spectrum of stories highlights his significant contributions to the media industry.

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May 31, 2024 | 4:32 pm