28 Powerful Things You Should Never, Ever Say to Your Boss

Navigating the workplace can be challenging, especially when it comes to communication with your boss. It’s essential to maintain a professional demeanor and choose your words carefully to foster a positive working relationship and advance your career. Here’s a comprehensive guide to powerful things you should never, ever say to your boss, complete with explanations and alternatives to keep your professional interactions smooth and productive.

“I Want a Raise”

Why It’s a Problem: Asking your boss for a raise is entirely reasonable, but how you ask can significantly impact the outcome. Simply stating “I want a raise” without any context or preparation comes off as demanding and unprofessional. It lacks the evidence or reasoning that justifies your request.

Better Approach: Prepare a well-thought-out case demonstrating your accomplishments, contributions to the team, and market research showing the salary range for your position. Frame your request around the value you bring to the company. For example, “Based on my recent achievements and industry standards, I would like to discuss my compensation.”

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July 12, 2024 | 9:08 pm