10 Strategies for Navigating Parental Favoritism: Empowering Families for Lasting Harmony, Open Communication, and Mindful Parenting Practices

Impact on Parental Well-being: Research indicates that parents may experience enhanced happiness and better mental health when spending more time with their favored child. Elderly parents, especially, recover faster from emergencies when cared for by their preferred offspring.

Children’s Perceptions: Children are not oblivious to parental favoritism, with 34% of surveyed children sensing a front-runner among their siblings. Interestingly, parents’ preferences don’t always align with the children’s assumptions, emphasizing the importance of open communication.

Maintaining Equality: Despite varying relationships with children, treating them equally is crucial for their sense of worth. Discriminatory behavior can have lasting effects, but efforts to settle disputes impartially and avoid taking sides can promote fairness.

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February 23, 2024 | 10:40 am