10 Challenges Parastoo Salehi Faces as She Courageously Returns to Her Homeland

Impact on Family

Salehi’s return to Iran could also have significant implications for her family, particularly her mother and brother. The government often exerts pressure on the families of activists to silence dissent. Her family members might face harassment, surveillance, and social ostracization. The emotional and psychological toll on her family could be substantial, adding another layer of difficulty to her decision to return.

Psychological and Emotional Strain

The constant threat of surveillance, harassment, and potential imprisonment can take a heavy psychological toll. Salehi might experience heightened stress, anxiety, and fear for her safety and that of her loved ones. The pressure of living under such conditions can lead to mental health issues, which might further complicate her ability to engage in activism and maintain her personal well-being.

Economic Hardship

Salehi’s activism and outspoken views might result in economic hardship. Given the potential professional boycott and the government’s control over various economic sectors, finding stable employment could be challenging. This economic instability could strain her resources, making it difficult to sustain herself and support her family.

Navigating Activism Under Repression

Continuing her activism in a repressive environment will be one of Salehi’s most significant challenges. She will have to find new, safer ways to advocate for change and support the causes she believes in without attracting undue attention from the authorities. This might involve shifting her activism to more covert or underground methods, which can be both risky and less effective.

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July 29, 2024 | 9:30 pm

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