10 Challenges Parastoo Salehi Faces as She Courageously Returns to Her Homeland

Social and Professional Isolation

Upon returning to Iran, Salehi might experience social and professional isolation. The entertainment industry in Iran is heavily influenced by state policies and censorship. Her outspoken political stance might lead to a professional boycott, making it difficult for her to find work in film and television. Additionally, her social circle might shrink due to fear of association with a known dissident, leading to a sense of isolation and alienation.

Threats to Personal Safety

Activists in Iran often face threats to their personal safety, including physical violence and intimidation. Salehi’s prominence and her outspoken criticism of the government make her a potential target for such threats. This risk is not limited to state actors; she might also face threats from hardline supporters of the regime or vigilante groups. Ensuring her personal safety could become a daily struggle, adding immense stress to her life.

Restrictions on Freedom of Expression

Salehi’s ability to express herself freely will likely be severely curtailed. Iran has strict censorship laws, and any form of dissent is met with harsh consequences. Salehi’s previous experiences with censorship and harassment on social media are indicative of the broader challenges she will face in expressing her views. Her activism might have to take a more subdued form, and she may have to resort to self-censorship to avoid further repercussions.

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July 29, 2024 | 9:30 pm

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