10 Challenges Parastoo Salehi Faces as She Courageously Returns to Her Homeland

Parastoo Salehi (born 31 October 1977, in Tehran) is a renowned Iranian actress and social activist, widely recognized for her performance in the TV series “Under the City Sky.” Her journey from a theater artist to a celebrated actress and a fearless social activist is a testament to her talent, integrity, and determination. This article delves into the life, career, and activism of Parastoo Salehi, focusing on her courageous return to her homeland and her unwavering commitment to justice and freedom.

Early Life and Background

Parastoo Salehi, whose real name is Elham Salehi Siavashani, was born on November 9, 1356 (Persian calendar) in Tehran. She grew up in a family with a housewife mother and a father who was an army munitions technician. Her father’s death on April 9, 2008, was a significant event in her life. Salehi has a brother named Amirshahin, who works as a computer engineer.

Education and Early Career

Salehi’s artistic journey began in 1375 (Persian calendar) with her involvement in theater. She studied under the tutelage of Farhang Moayeri, a notable figure in the field of make-up and theater. Her first significant role came in the TV series “The Trial,” directed by Hassan Hedayat. This opportunity was a result of her connection with Farhang Meiri, who introduced her to the industry and guided her through a make-up course.

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July 29, 2024 | 9:30 pm