Navy Welcomes Martyr Sayad Shirazi and Martyr Hassan Bagheri, Unveiling First Heavy Destroyers

The Martyr Sayad Shirazi and Martyr Hassan Bagheri heavy destroyers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, showcasing Iran’s commitment to advancing its naval capabilities. The vertically launched defense missiles, radar-evading design, and other advanced features make them formidable additions to the IRGC Navy’s fleet. These vessels, part of the Shahid Soleimani class, symbolize a new era of strength and resilience for the IRGC Navy, ensuring enhanced maritime defense capabilities in the region. Stay tuned for further updates on their operational deployments and contributions to national security.

Stay connected for updates on the Martyr Sayad Shirazi and Martyr Hassan Bagheri’s operational deployments, training exercises, and their impact on bolstering the IRGC Navy’s defensive capabilities. The ongoing advancements mark a significant stride for Iran in securing its maritime domain and ensuring the protection of national interests.

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February 20, 2024 | 2:34 pm