The Wedding of Natasha, Daughter of Sahar and Granddaughter of Legendary Singer Mahasti: A Glamorous Ceremony in Spain


The wedding of Natasha, daughter of Sahar Nazimian and granddaughter of the iconic singer Mahasti, to Jameel, a wealthy Kuwaiti businessman, was a momentous occasion that bridged Iranian and Arab cultures. The lavish ceremony in Spain was a tribute to the couple’s heritage and family legacies, combining elements of traditional Iranian weddings with Kuwaiti customs.

With such a rich family history, Natasha and Jameel’s wedding was not just a personal celebration but also a public event that honored the contributions of Mahasti and Hayedeh to Persian music. As the couple embarks on their new life together, the world will be watching to see how they continue to uphold their family’s legacy and navigate their cross-cultural marriage.

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September 22, 2024 | 4:25 pm