Mona’s Resilient Response: Coping with the Tragic Murder of Her Parents

1. Discovering the Tragedy

Dariush Mehrjui was a highly respected figure in Iranian cinema. He had directed numerous influential films, and his wife, Vahida Mohammadi Far, was no less accomplished, with a career in costume design and screenwriting. She had collaborated with her husband on several projects, establishing a strong creative partnership. The two were deeply involved in the Iranian film scene, leaving an indelible mark.

Vahida Mohammadi Far’s journey in the film industry began in 1375 when she made her acting debut in the movie “Leila.” From there, she transitioned to writing screenplays and worked as an assistant director. Her career continued to flourish, as she co-wrote the screenplay for “Maman’s Guest” with Mehrjui and Moradi Kermani, gaining valuable experience along the way.

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October 15, 2023 | 1:49 pm