Mohsen Namjoo and Azadeh Akhlaghi’s Artistic Love Story in the USA

Mohsen Namjoo: A Star on the Silver Screen

While Namjoo’s primary medium of expression was music, he also ventured into the world of cinema. He made several film appearances, further expanding his artistic repertoire.

One of his notable appearances was in the documentary “Sounds of Silence,” directed by Amir Hamz and Mark Lazarz. This documentary was screened at international film festivals, introducing Namjoo’s music and message to a broader audience.

Namjoo’s foray into narrative cinema included a role in the feature film “Few Kilograms of Dates for the Funeral,” directed by Saman Saloor. The film received acclaim at various film festivals, solidifying Namjoo’s presence in both the music and film industries.

In 2016, Namjoo took on a role in the feature film “Radio Dreams,” directed by Babak Jalali. His versatility as an artist allowed him to seamlessly transition between different forms of creative expression.

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September 25, 2023 | 12:26 pm