Mohsen Namjoo and Azadeh Akhlaghi’s Artistic Love Story in the USA

A Teacher and Advocate for Change

In the fall of 2014, Mohsen Namjoo continued his engagement with Brown University by teaching a course titled “Revolution and Poets: Content and Form in Iranian Poetry.” His role as an educator allowed him to share his passion for music and poetry with a new generation of students.

Namjoo was not content with being a passive observer of the cultural landscape. He actively advocated for social change through his art and collaborations.

In November 2014, he played a pivotal role in assembling Iranian bands, banned from performing in their own country, for the Iranian Music Festival titled “Iran Underground.” This event, held at the RISD Auditorium, was part of Brown University’s 250th Anniversary celebrations and highlighted the power of music as a tool for social transformation.

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September 25, 2023 | 12:26 pm