Mehran Ghafourian’s Inspirational Journey to Karbala

Mehran Ghafourian, born on 3 Shahrivar 1353, is an acclaimed Iranian actor and director. His career is marked by significant contributions to television and cinema, but his recent journey to Karbala has added a new dimension to his public persona.

Early Life and Education

Mehran Ghafourian was born in Tehran on Molavi Street. His father, Khosro Ghafourian, was a high-ranking officer in the country’s intelligence and security organization and faced imprisonment after the revolution. Ghafourian grew up in the neighborhoods of Tehranser and Darya, with his older brother Mehdi, a composer. He graduated in public painting from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, in 1373.

Personal Life

Ghafourian is married to Arzu Ghafourian, and they have a daughter named Hana. His family life, including his brother Mehdi’s influence as a composer, has been closely intertwined with his career.

Career Beginnings

Ghafourian entered the acting world with the comedy series Jang 39, directed by Dariush Kardan. He quickly gained recognition for his comedic timing and soon ventured into directing. His breakthrough came with the series Under the Sky of Shahr in 1380, which catapulted him to fame.

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July 21, 2024 | 8:28 pm