4 Essential Nutrition Tips to Maximize Health During Your Menstrual Cycle

Week 1 (Days 1 to 7): Menstruation

Day one of the cycle is the first day of your period. During this week, you might feel particularly tired, bloated, and generally lethargic. However, there are specific foods that can help ease these symptoms.

Iron and Zinc-Rich Foods
Cara Shaw explains that iron and zinc are essential minerals lost during menstruation, especially for those with heavy periods. While meat is a good source of these minerals, seafood and sea-based vegetables like wakame, nori, kombu, and kelp can also help remineralize your body, maintaining energy, overcoming fatigue, and supporting your immune system.

Berries for Water Retention
Water retention can be an issue during menstruation, causing bloating in the tummy, hips, legs, and even arms. Berries, being water-rich fruits, can help with retention by acting as a diuretic and supporting the kidneys. Shaw also recommends nettle tea, a natural diuretic, to help with water retention.

Potassium-Rich Foods
Beetroot, black beans, and kidney beans are rich in potassium, which helps manage fluid balance in the body. However, go easy on the beans if you’re not used to eating them, as their high fiber content could worsen bloating.

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July 15, 2024 | 4:15 pm