4 Essential Nutrition Tips to Maximize Health During Your Menstrual Cycle

Maximizing Health During Your Menstrual Cycle: A Comprehensive Nutrition Guide

The average woman will experience a staggering 480 periods over her lifetime, according to the NHS. While many are familiar with the craving for chocolate and ice cream when a period nears, you can eat strategically to support the menstrual cycle all month long. Changing hormones drive the various changes you’ll experience throughout your cycle, from menstruation to PMS and ovulation.

Understanding the Menstrual Cycle

A healthy menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 35 days, or up to 45 days for teenagers, according to nutritionist Cara Shaw. A typical cycle can be broken down into four phases:

  1. Menstruation: The period itself
  2. Proliferative Phase: The lead-up to ovulation
  3. Ovulation: The release of an egg halfway through the cycle when you are most fertile
  4. Luteal Phase: The phase after ovulation and before the next period

With fluctuating hormones triggering symptoms like fatigue and cramps, you can support your body by eating certain foods filled with hormone-balancing nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of the best foods to eat during each phase of your cycle:

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July 15, 2024 | 4:15 pm