Mastering Proper Toilet Etiquette: 6 Essential Steps for Healthier Habits

Now for proper hand washing:

A study has revealed that nearly half of all people sometimes don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. This is despite washing your hands being able to prevent spreading germs like E. coli or flu bacteria, which can be found on door handles, light switches, and other common surfaces.

The correct way to wash your hands:

Turn on the tap and wet your hands.

Use soap or hand wash, however you prefer!

Work it into a lather everywhere, including between your fingers.

For 20 seconds, scrub them really well with soap.

Rinse off all the soap with clean water.

Dry them properly with a clean towel or air dryer.

If you know this off by heart and stick to it every time you use the loo (and make sure everyone else follows suit), you’ll be looking at much better health and hygiene for yourself as well as anyone who shares that bathroom space.

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March 23, 2024 | 4:57 pm