Mastering Proper Toilet Etiquette: 6 Essential Steps for Healthier Habits

How Do You Flush the Toilet Properly?

There’s only one way to flush a toilet properly, and that’s with both the seat down and the lid closed. That’s because bacteria from feces can be shot up to 10 inches above the water’s surface with each flush. It then settles onto surfaces surrounding the bowl within two hours—”floor areas around toilets were frequently contaminated,” researchers found.

How Do You Keep Your Toilet Clean?

You might think that flushing cleans the bowl, but it doesn’t. So get yourself some disinfectant and start scrubbing!

Dump that cleaner into the water and give it a good stir.

On a paper towel, dab in some of the water, then squeeze out any excess before wiping each side of the toilet seat lid.

Wipe both sides of the toilet ring using the same method. Add more cleaner if necessary.

Really get in between those toilet seat hinges, where a lot of gunk tends to gather.

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March 23, 2024 | 4:57 pm