Mastering Proper Toilet Etiquette: 6 Essential Steps for Healthier Habits

How Do You Use the Toilet Correctly?

You’ve been sitting on the porcelain throne wrong this whole time! Experts recommend that you sit on the toilet so that your knees are higher than your hips. If needed, place a footstool or anything else flat and stable underfoot. Then lean forward and place your elbows on your knees. Relax and let your belly sag out while straightening your spine.

Experts say that squatting is one of the best positions for bowel movements because it straightens the rectoanal canal when you bend your knees.

How Long Should You Be on the Toilet?

We all spend different amounts of time on the toilet—ssome people rush, others read whole novels—bbut finding a middle ground is important because excessive straining can cause hemorrhoids when pressure builds up in the rectum.

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March 23, 2024 | 4:57 pm