10 Inspiring Insights into Masoud Pezeshkian: Heart Surgeon and Reformist Politician

During the Rouhani era, there was pressure from below and no bargaining at the top. In this period, there will be no pressure from below (the pressure desired by the reformists; maybe there are other pressures that only God knows) and no bargaining at the top. This reflects the unmeasured approach of the reformists. Now, looking back 27 years after Khordad 1976, with some political and historical literacy, I see these emotional and ill-considered movements in their overall behavior—although I never deny the sincere efforts of some of them and the damages they have suffered.

At this time, if someone is concerned about reforming and improving the current situation, they should be critical of the electoral mechanism. They should ask what happened that certain decisions were approved and others were not. What is the story? Where are we, and what are you doing? Not recklessly jumping into any loophole that appears. When you are stuck in a loophole and have no solution, you either question the level of understanding of society or avoid accountability by pretending to be oppressed.

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June 11, 2024 | 7:51 pm