Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Strange Covers: 7 Unconventional Fashion Choices

International Visits: Breaking Diplomatic Norms

The Controversial Blazer

On his international trips, Ahmadinejad continued to surprise onlookers with his sartorial choices. He often wore blazers that were slightly oversized, with a relaxed fit that contrasted sharply with the more tailored suits typically worn by world leaders. This choice was seen by some as a subtle critique of Western fashion norms and a statement of independence.

The No-Tie Policy

Ahmadinejad’s decision to forgo wearing a tie during official meetings and international summits was particularly notable. This no-tie policy was a deliberate move to reject Western formalities and present himself as a man of the people. It also reinforced his image as a leader who did not conform to international pressures or expectations.

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July 11, 2024 | 11:56 pm