Kim Jong-un’s Private Jet: The Luxurious Ilyushin Il-62M Revealed

Symbolism and Propaganda

The Ilyushin Il-62M also serves as a powerful symbol in North Korean propaganda. The aircraft represents the nation’s self-reliance and technological achievements. Every time it is used for a state visit or an important diplomatic mission, it reinforces the image of North Korea’s strength and independence on the global stage.

Future of Kim Jong-un’s Travel

While the Ilyushin Il-62M remains an iconic part of Kim Jong-un’s travel arsenal, future trips may increasingly rely on other methods of transportation due to the aircraft’s age and the inherent risks involved. The North Korean leader’s preference for travel methods that ensure maximum security and reliability will likely influence future decisions.


Kim Jong-un’s private jet, the Ilyushin Il-62M, is more than just an aircraft; it is a symbol of North Korean aviation prowess and a testament to the nation’s ability to maintain and operate vintage technology. Despite its age, the Il-62M continues to serve as a luxurious and reliable mode of transportation for the North Korean leader, reflecting the unique blend of tradition and modernity that characterizes North Korea’s approach to leadership and governance.