Kim Jong-un’s Private Jet: The Luxurious Ilyushin Il-62M Revealed

Kim Jong-un’s private jet, the Ilyushin Il-62M, remains a symbol of North Korea’s aviation capabilities, despite its age and the challenges associated with maintaining such an old aircraft. The luxurious details and unique features of the Ilyushin Il-62M reflect the importance placed on the North Korean leader’s travel comfort and security.

Historical Significance and Operational Use

The Ilyushin Il-62M has not only been a mode of transportation but also a statement of North Korea’s engineering and aviation history. Over the years, this aircraft has seen various high-profile trips, including state visits and diplomatic missions. The operational use of such a vintage aircraft in contemporary times highlights the resourcefulness and maintenance capabilities of North Korea’s aviation sector.

Advanced Features and Capabilities

Despite being an older model, the Ilyushin Il-62M boasts several advanced features for its time. The aircraft’s design focused on reducing noise and enhancing passenger comfort, which was a significant improvement over its predecessors. The placement of the engines in twin/paired nozzles under the T-shaped tail is a distinctive design choice aimed at optimizing aerodynamic efficiency and reducing cabin noise.

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June 27, 2024 | 3:09 pm