Kim Jong-un’s Private Jet: The Luxurious Ilyushin Il-62M Revealed

Why Not Use the Il-62M for Russia?

A possible reason why Kim Jong-un did not use his Il-62M to fly to Russia could be concerns about the plane’s mechanics and the lack of modern electronics. Speaking to Reuters about his trip to Russia, Ko Yong-hwan, a former North Korean diplomat who defected to South Korea, mentioned that the plane was old and not properly maintained. He emphasized that any accident would be catastrophic due to the plane’s age and lack of reliability.

Unlike his grandfather, Kim Il Sung, who feared flying and preferred traveling by armored train, Kim Jong-un does not strictly follow this tradition. However, his train, though luxurious with a restaurant car serving gourmet food and French wine, is slow and cumbersome due to the old North Korean railway network, moving at a speed of only 50 kilometers per hour. Additionally, upon reaching the Russian border, the train’s wheels must be replaced to fit Russian railways.

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June 27, 2024 | 3:09 pm