Kim Jong-un’s Private Jet: The Luxurious Ilyushin Il-62M Revealed

Kim Jong-un’s Private Jet

Kim Jong-un used his private Ilyushin Il-62M in May 2018 to fly to Dalian to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. This aircraft, an improved model of the Il-62, is painted white with “North Korea” written in Korean on both sides. The T-shaped tail is adorned with the national flag of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, known as “Ramhongsaek Konghwagukgi” (Blue and Red Flag of the Republic). The flag features a central red panel with a white stripe and blue stripes at the top and bottom, with a red five-pointed star symbolizing communism in the center.

Kim Jong-un’s private jet has a VIP configuration similar to Air Force One of the United States. Photos from Korea’s state-run news agency show the plane’s sleek interior, decorated with large white leather seats, polished wooden tables, and crystal ashtrays. The plane was last seen in service when Kim Jong-un’s younger sister, Yo Jong, used it to fly to South Korea’s Olympic Games venue in Pyeongchang.

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June 27, 2024 | 3:09 pm