50 Remarkable and Amusing Facts About Marriage That You Probably Didn’t Know!

27. Divorce Rates in Repeat Marriages

While over 50% of first marriages end in divorce, the rate increases to 67% for second marriages and nearly 74% for third marriages, showcasing the challenges of remarrying.

28. Marriage and Life Satisfaction

Psychologists at Wake Forest University assert that marriage contributes more to an individual’s life satisfaction than money, sex, or even children.

29. Financial Perspectives on Marriage

In a comparison between single and married individuals, those who are married accumulate savings and assets nearly four times more than singles.

30. Average Frequency of Intimacy

On average, married couples engage in sexual activities about 58 times a year, or slightly more than once a week.

31. Healthy Habits in Senior Couples

Married seniors tend to maintain healthier daily habits, such as exercising and having regular medical checkups, compared to their single counterparts.

32. The Importance of Trust in Marriage

Trust ranks as one of the critical elements in a happy marriage, surpassing friendship, laughter, and even sexual compatibility.

33. Interference from Friends and Family

About 81% of happy couples report that their partner’s friends and family rarely interfere in their relationship. Conversely, only 38% of unhappy couples feel the same way.

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February 10, 2025 | 7:53 pm