50 Remarkable and Amusing Facts About Marriage That You Probably Didn’t Know!

13. The Historical Context of Marriage

Marriage has historically been less about love and more about kinship, wealth, and labor. This perspective helps us understand the evolution of marriage as a social institution.

14. Low Marriage Rates

Texas has the lowest marriage rate in the United States, with only 4.9 marriages per 1,000 people, followed by states like Connecticut and Massachusetts.

15. Economic Impact of Marital Problems

It’s estimated that marital problems cost nearly $6 billion annually in lost worker productivity. Conversely, happy marriages often contribute positively to workplace efficiency.

16. Economic Pressures on Couples

According to CNN, the Great Recession (2008) significantly impacted married couples, making it one of the toughest periods for relationships in the last 60 years.

17. Obesity and Attraction

Studies show that married couples with larger waistlines tend to lose attraction for each other. Additionally, one spouse is more likely to become obese if their partner is, with a 37% increased chance of obesity.

18. Health Risks of Marital Disruption

Research indicates that individuals whose marriages are disrupted at the time of a cancer diagnosis have shorter life expectancies compared to those in stable relationships.

19. Compulsory Marriage in Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, societal rules mandated marriage, with single, childless individuals facing disdain. These historical laws shaped the perception of marriage as a duty.

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February 10, 2025 | 7:53 pm