50 Remarkable and Amusing Facts About Marriage That You Probably Didn’t Know!

7. Bridesmaids’ Role in Deception
Traditionally, bridesmaids dressed like the bride to confuse rival suitors, evil spirits, and thieves. This costume strategy was believed to protect the bride on her special day.
8. Glass Breaking in Italian Weddings
In Italian weddings, it’s a tradition for couples to break a glass, with the number of shattered pieces symbolizing the number of years of happiness they will experience together.
9. Culinary Roots of the Word “Bride”
Some scholars link the English word “bride” to the Indo-European root bru, meaning “to cook.” This interesting connection highlights some historical expectations of marital roles.
10. Empty Nest, Happier Marriage
A 2008 study revealed that marital satisfaction significantly improves after children leave home. However, unresolved marital issues often resurface during this transition.
11. The Meaning of “Groom”
The word “groom” derives from the Old English term guma, meaning “man.” This historical context reminds us of the traditional roles in marriage.
12. Divorce Statistics
The probability of divorce within the first five years of a first marriage is around 20%. In stark contrast, the chance of ending a premarital relationship during this same period is about 49%.