The Inspiring Story of Masoud Pezeshkian’s Wife and Their 30-Year Marriage

Sons Reflect on Their Father’s Decision Not to Remarry

Youssef and Mehdi Pezeshkian shared their perspective on their father’s decision: “We were young at the time of the accident, returning from a trip to Tabriz when the car hit a stone. Our mother and younger brother died in the accident. Our father chose not to remarry primarily because of us, fearing it might be unfair. Few people can understand the sacrifices he made for us, and we try our best to ensure he is not alone.”

Dr. Pezeshkian himself explained, “If someone else had been in the home, disputes could have arisen. The children and I found it easier to be together without such conflicts.”

Through his reflections, it is clear that the inspiring story of Masoud Pezeshkian’s wife and their marriage has been marked by profound love, loss, and unwavering dedication to his family.

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June 22, 2024 | 11:07 am