The Inspiring Story of Masoud Pezeshkian’s Wife and Their 30-Year Marriage

Life After the Death of a Spouse

The inspiring story of Masoud Pezeshkian’s wife continues with the challenges he faced after her tragic death. After his wife’s tragic death, Dr. Pezeshkian faced the challenge of raising their three children alone. “Having a daughter and two sons, it was very difficult to continue living after my wife’s death. For the sake of the children, I decided to remain single, as they might not have coped easily with a new parental figure.”

Despite support from his family, the responsibility of raising the children primarily fell on him. “I tried my best to raise righteous children. Marriage, for me, should be based on love and understanding, not material wealth. My choice to marry was based on my wife’s beliefs and way of life, which I had learned about in the Islamic Association at university. After her death, I instilled the same values in my children.”

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June 22, 2024 | 11:07 am