Horrific Murder-Suicide: Mehdi Pourbaghi in Canada Kills Wife

Life of Mehdi Pourbaghi

Mehdi Pourbaghi was a 34-year-old man deeply involved in his academic pursuits and his passion for storytelling through his podcast, “Akhrin Shahid.” Born and raised in Iran, he exhibited a strong academic inclination from a young age. He attended Allameh Hali High School, known for its rigorous academic curriculum, and later graduated from Sharif University of Technology, one of the most prestigious engineering universities.

Pourbaghi’s LinkedIn profile reveals a connection with Tarbiat Modares University, suggesting either further studies or a professional affiliation. His move to Canada was primarily for educational purposes, enrolling in a Ph.D. program in bioinformatics at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Bioinformatics is a field that combines biology, computer science, and information technology, and Pourbaghi was reportedly passionate about his research.

In addition to his academic endeavors, Pourbaghi was the creator and narrator of “Akhrin Shahid,” a true crime podcast that delved into real-life criminal cases. The podcast had a growing following, captivated by Pourbaghi’s detailed and engaging storytelling. Each episode, released every Saturday, explored various criminal cases, emphasizing the human elements and the tragic outcomes.

Life of Baran Abid

Baran Abid, 33, was known for her skills as a hairdresser. She had a vibrant personality and was loved by her clients and friends for her warm and friendly nature. Baran hailed from Lahijan, a city in northern Iran known for its scenic beauty and tea plantations. Her move to Canada was a significant step, marking a new chapter in her life as she reunited with her husband after several months of separation.

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July 22, 2024 | 9:42 pm