Horrific Murder-Suicide: Mehdi Pourbaghi in Canada Kills Wife

The Crime and Investigation

According to initial reports, Baran Abid’s life ended violently in this murder-suicide. Her body was found in a suitcase, and the police are investigating the timeline and circumstances of her death. Pourbaghi was found dead by investigating officers, and it is suspected that he took his own life shortly after his wife’s murder.

The Royal Newfoundland Police have released surveillance footage of Pourbaghi carrying a suitcase, hoping to gather more information from the public. They believe the suitcase was left in the empty lot between 1 and 3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10. The investigation spans events from July 10 to July 16, with police seeking any possible video footage from areas around LeMarchant Road, Water Street, McBride’s Hill, and Springdale Street.

“The Last Witness” Podcast

Pourbaghi was the creator of the “Akhrin Shahid” podcast, which focused on true crime cases. The podcast released an episode every Saturday, delving into various criminal cases with a captivating narrative style. After the news of the murder, listeners noted eerie similarities between the last episode of the podcast and the actual murder of Baran Abid. The episode described a bloody murder of a young woman, resonating disturbingly with the real-life crime.

Community in Shock

The community and residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are in shock over this tragic incident. The police have not officially named the deceased but have confirmed their nationality. They are treating this as a targeted attack but have not yet classified it as a murder-suicide.

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July 22, 2024 | 9:42 pm