Horrific Murder-Suicide: Mehdi Pourbaghi in Canada Kills Wife

In a shocking and horrific murder-suicide, Mehdi Pourbaghi in Canada has brutally killed his wife. Mehdi Pourbaghi, known for his crime podcast “Akhrin Shahid,” dismembered his wife, Baran Abid, and ended his own life shortly after the murder. This gruesome crime has left the community in Newfoundland and Labrador in deep shock and sorrow.

Background of the Crime

In this shocking murder-suicide, Mehdi Pourbaghi resided in Newfoundland and Labrador, a province in eastern Canada. He had an impressive academic background, having graduated from Allameh Hali High School and Sharif University of Technology. His LinkedIn profile also lists Tarbiat Modares University as one of his affiliations. Pourbaghi was pursuing a Ph.D. in bioinformatics at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

On July 28, the Royal Newfoundland Police reported finding the dismembered body of a 33-year-old woman in a suitcase. This discovery was made on July 25 in an empty lot in the center of St. John’s, a city with a population of slightly over 100,000. The city is known for attracting many students due to its reputable university.

A Tragic Marriage

Pourbaghi and his wife, Baran Abid, were married for about ten years. Pourbaghi had expressed deep affection for his wife in a heartfelt Facebook post on their 10th anniversary, describing their relationship in touching terms. Abid had been working as a hairdresser and had only joined her husband in Canada three months prior to the incident.

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July 22, 2024 | 9:42 pm