6 Bold Hollywood-Inspired Posters of Saeed Jalili and Bagher Qalibaf Rival John Wick’s Iconic Imagery

Year 92: The Man with the Key

Hassan Rouhani’s 1992 campaign was a phenomenon, characterized by his promise of solutions and effective use of debates, particularly against Ghalibaf, leading to a surge in his popularity. Rouhani’s campaign posters prominently featured the image of a key, symbolizing his promise to unlock Iran’s potential and solve its pressing problems. This simple yet powerful visual metaphor resonated with voters, helping to distinguish him from his rivals. Rouhani’s use of visual symbolism was a masterstroke in political marketing, demonstrating the power of a well-chosen image to encapsulate a candidate’s message and vision.

Year 96: The Commitment to Progress

In the 1996 elections, Hassan Rouhani’s slogan “We will not go back” resonated strongly, once again securing his victory against Ghalibaf. This campaign built on the visual themes of his previous run, with posters emphasizing continuity and progress. Rouhani’s team expertly used imagery to convey a sense of stability and forward momentum, contrasting with the more aggressive, change-oriented visuals of his opponents. This approach helped to reassure voters and solidify Rouhani’s base of support.

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June 21, 2024 | 5:12 pm